My site for the Herzog to vent his views on his ongoing efforts to return the breackaway lands [Schwabian League] to Harzburg's control.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Order of the Blue Bear of Harzburg

Herzog Fredrick of Harzburg bestows upon Reich Duke Wilhelm of Beerstein the Noble order of the Blue Bear of Harzburg. Harzburg accepts the offer to exchange diplomats to keep the channels of communication open. Herzog Fredrick looks foreward to future exchanges with the Reich Duke.

1 comment:

  1. Reich Duke Wilhelm is most gratified by this prestigious award. It will be displayed in the Great Hall of the Reichstadt for two weeks so all of Beerstein will have an opportunity to view the Order of the Blue Bear. Our Ambassador, Graf Ostendorf, is extremely pleased to assist in peace negotiations.
