My site for the Herzog to vent his views on his ongoing efforts to return the breackaway lands [Schwabian League] to Harzburg's control.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Battle of Geuberbach [ Harzburg Gazette Report ] Part 1

Harzburg troops patrolling the boarder between Schwab-Flusshafen and Muhlehaus engaged invading hordes.  The hordes fell upon our brave troops as they crossed the pontoon bridge near Greuberbach over the Freshet river.  Our troops numbered 4-300 man Musketeer Bns, 2-300 man Grenadier Bn brs, 2-150 trooper Dragoons, 2-6lb Brigade guns, and an Artillery Regiment 2-12lb guns and 300 Artillery Fusiliers.

After spending the night completing the pontoon bridge, our troops moved out to search for the enemy.  The Dragoons moved out ahead of the infantry to block any interference in their deployment. The Dragoons each engaged a separate enemy Dragoon unit in combat. Separate combats lasted till the lead infantry battalions began to deploy then ended. The Flatsburg Dragoons bested the Aubach Dragoons who routed from the melee but managed to hold onto their flag.

The Schwabian Dragoons, in their first action, engaged the Klineburg Dragoons and were routed but kept their flag. At this point the victorious Dragoons withdrew to regroup while their routing comrades would leave the field not to return.

The Flatsburg Musketeers Bn deployed to oppose I Bn Lowes Musketeers while the Furstins Own Musketeers opposed von Striblings Converged Grenadiers and I Bn Brants Musketeers. Deploying to the left as they crossed the pontoon bridge I Bn Lowes Musketeers they would oppose the Flatsburg Bn. von Striblings Converged Grenadiers and I Bn Brants Musketeers deployed with their 6lb Brigade gun deployed right toward and on the hill opposing the Furstins Bn.
I Bn Lowes delivered a devastating volley before recieving an equaly devastating volley from the Flatsburg Bn. To their right, Striblings Grenadiers are blasted by ball and cannister driving them below 50% effectives.  This was to much for the Grenadiers and they broke and left the feild of battle.

The smoke form the devastating volley can be seen in this ilistration by our battlefield atrist.

I Bn Brandts moved to occupy the position vacated by the Grenadiers.  They would recieve fire from ball and cannister before they could respond in kind. 
The Second Brigade arrived behind the Artillary Regiment.

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